Monthly Archives: August 2013

Dreamin’ Wild in Austin, Texas

It’s funny how whenever I endorse this blog to others I always emphasize that it’s an ‘Austin blog’. While it’s true I do write these posts in Austin TX, I think it’s absolutely absurd that I’ve never given any attention to the artists that make Austin the true “Live Music Capital of the World” (I’m not the biggest fan of that phrase, but whatever, it’s got a nice ring to it). I’ve lived here my whole life and witnessed the vast migration of kids and adults to the Central Texas oasis, and while I fully support the “Don’t Dallas My Austin” punch-line, I’m starting to realize we have no choice but to accept the change. Despite this growth and change, Austin will always be a city of dreams, a place where one can escape, fantasize, and start over if needed. Below are some great local artists, all of which work their asses off to keep that Austin TX dream alive. I chose not to write anything about the artists or their music because I want their music to speak for itself, and you to interpret it in anyway you please.

Tiger Waves


Jesse Woods

Shivery Shakes

Dana Falconberry

Unknown Relatives

Sleep Good

Church Shoes

Love Inks

Bill Baird

Roger Sellers

If you enjoyed these artists I urge you to support them in any way possible. Go to their Bandcamps, go to shows, buy the vinyl/CD, share them with your buddies. Keep the dream alive!

Long Live Diarrhea Planet

A few years back my obsession with New Jersey’s Titus Andronicus led me to a discovery of what I consider to be the best live band out on the road right now. I’m talking about Nashville rockers Diarrhea Planet. My first run-in with them was this past spring at SXSW (SXSW 2013: The Adventures of The Endless Bummer). They were the white light among the colorless corporate bullshit that engulfed Austin for that two weeks.

I was able to make it out to their show at The Parish on 6th last night, and it was nothing short of amazing. Austin punk legends The Midgetmen opened with a great set, as expected, and got the blood flowing in the crowd. After, the Nashville dudes quickly took the stage and 40 minutes of pure power-pop-punk bliss commenced. My buddies and I were front and center having a blast, while others kept their distance from the small, reckless pit. The new songs from their new album I’m Rich Beyond Your Wildest Dreams sounded great, but 2011 release Loose Jewels dominated the set for me. I can’t hear shit today, but it was totally worth it.

Long story short: Do everything in your power to go to their shows, support them in anyway possible, because there’s a really good chance they will be your new favorite rock n’ roll group in a matter of months. Purchase Loose Jewels for starters.

We have three newly released songs below from the upcoming record, followed by the classic “Fauser” performed live at Shea Stadium in NY, and how could we forget their epic Boss cover “Born To Run” featuring the man, myth, legend, Patrick Stickles of Titus Andronicus.